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Fall 2023 Writing Challenge

Al Eben as "Doc" Bergman (Leonard Freeman Productions / CBS Television, 1968-1980)

David McCallum as "Ducky" Mallard (Belisarius Productions / CBS Paramount Network Television, 2003 - Present)

To honor the memories of two most adored medical examiners, Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard from NCIS and Dr. "Doc" Bergman from Hawaii Five-0, Honu has suggested that we have a writing challenge. She has suggested that we "bring together Dr. Mallard and Dr. Bergman in the fan fiction world."

Your Challenge: Write a story about Dr. "Ducky" Mallard and Dr. "Doc" Bergman as you think an encounter between them might play out. Where do they meet, on a golf course or somewhere we haven't thought of? What happens while they are there?

Hint: Remember McGarrett's tip for conducting an investigation: Tell all. The same applies to writing. McGarrett's tip was taken from Rudyard Kipling's poem:

I keep six honest serving men, they taught me all I knew. Their names are What and Why and When and How and Where and Who.

Word Count: 250-500 words

Due Date: No later than Saturday, October 14, 2023. Send your story to me at, and I will post it on the RJL Writing Challenges page for all to read and enjoy.

Start creating, team!

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The banner photograph of Jack was taken by Dave Watson. It is used here with his permission.

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