Remembering Jack Lord
December 30, 1920 - January 21, 1998

Five-0 Cars

1968 Mercury Park Lane Brougham (Ford Motor Company)
In the pilot episode, "Cocoon," McGarrett drove a rented 1967 Mercury Marquis coupe. In the series, his first car was a 1968 Mercury Park Lane Brougham identical to the one above.
1968 Mercury Park Lane Brougham
The 1968 Park Lane appeared from Season 1 through the middle of Season 7 and in stock footage and stunt footage thereafter.
Read Michael Timothy's personal report (with links to pictures) about what it was like finding and restoring McGarrett's 1968 Mercury Park Lane.
ME-TV tells us what 10 classic TV cars were worth when they were new and what they are worth today. Some of the prices are surprising! Yes, McGarrett's Park Lane made the list. http://metv.com/lists/what-10-classic-tv-cars-are-worth-today
History of the Mercury Park Lane

1968 Mercury Park Lane with Ford Tri-Motor in the Background (Ford Motor Company)
1972 Mercury Marquis
The 1972 Marquis appeared in "Will the Real Mr. Winkler Please Die?" (Season 5), "Flash of Color, Flash of Death" (Season 6), "Loose Ends Get Hit" (Season 8), and "Dealer's Choice - Blackmail (Season 9).
Read about how McGarrett almost got a 1972 Mercury Marquis -- except that Jack liked the Park Lane.
1974 Mercury Marquis
The 1974 Marquis appeared from the middle of Season 7 through the end of Season 12. The long log wagon of a car lacked the get-up-and-go of the '68 Park Lane, but it looked as larger-than-life as McGarrett was. When the series ended, Jack gave the car to his stunt double, John Nordlum, who kept it for many years.
Read a fascinating article (with pictures) about McGarrett's 1974 Mercury Marquis Brougham. It's a 40-year review that shows what the car looks like today (sad!) and tells about John Nordlum's role on Hawaii Five-0. http://driving.ca/mercury/auto-news/entertainment/book-em-danno-a-ride-in-hawaii-five-os-mercury-marquis
See a commercial for the 1974 Mercury Marquis.
Watch a scene from Loose Ends Get Hit
in which all three Mercurys appear
As McGarrett and Officer Sandi Welles (Amanda McBroom) leave Kim Chi's office, they are driving the 1974 Marquis. As they are tailed by two of Kim Chi's henchmen, however, they are in the 1972 Marquis. They remain in that car almost until they reach Battery Harlow. Then, they are back in the 1974. As they tail the henchmen back down the hillside, they are again in the 1972 -- until they come around the bend as the henchmen flip their car. Suddenly, they are in the 1968 Park Lane, but only for a moment. As they come to a halt, they are again in the 1974.
Other Five-0 Cars
Here are some of the cars that were driven by the Five-0 detectives. All are screen captures from the episodes in which they appeared (Hawaii Five-0. Leonard Freeman Productions / CBS Television, 1968-1980).
The cars were driven in pecking order; that is, the governor had a Lincoln; the Five-0 chief had a Mercury; and the detectives drove Fords.

Other Cars Driven on Hawaiii Five-0
Many interesting forms of street transportation were seen on Hawaii Five-0, from pedicabs and TheBus to the detectives’ Ford sedans. Perhaps, one day, we will have a chart listing the episodes where each can be seen. For now, however, consult this compendium of bikes, cars, and even an ice cream truck: http://www.imcdb.org/movie_62568-Hawaii-Five-O.html. Most come from the early seasons, but they are an interesting collection.
Here are some screen captures. Again, all credit goes to Leonard Freeman Productions and CBS Television.
No list would be complete without this screen capture of Alex Pareno (Ricardo Montalban) coming from Jack's motorhome in "Death Wish on Tantalus Mountain" (Season 5):

Cadillacs Seen on Hawaii Five-0
These pictures of a 1959 Cadillac Sedan DeVille were taken by Jose Fanguiero of Switzerland and are used here with his permission and with the permission of its owner, Pascal Rausis, who had this to say to my inquiry, "Comme c'est ma voiture je dis oui" (As this is my car, I say yes.).

Those oh, so classic tail lights on the 1959 Cadillac Sedan DeVille! Notice the flattop roof line and the true-to-period wide whitewall tires. And that grille! Ah! But they don't make 'em like that, anymore!
When I started working on this page, I thought it would take me a few weeks. But,
no! It's still a work in progress as I discover Cadillacs that I missed on the first pass.
Case in point, in "For Old Times Sake," a 1979 Seville and a 1980 El Dorado are seen
in the same scene. I noticed the El Dorado but missed the Seville (It's been
added, now, thanks to the benefits of the living document versus the printed one).
Oh, how Jack loved those Cadillacs!
Even though Hawaii Five-0 was a Ford-Lincoln-Mercury show, it showed a fair number of Cadillacs. Some were ambulances, but a few were driven by characters. Some were seen in the distance or parked against a curb. Were they parked there when the film crew arrived, or were they staged that way? Will we ever know?
For the most part, these are cars from 1959 through 1976, the long and low models collectively known as the land yachts. To this day, Cadillac aficionados love them, even though they never met a gas pump they didn’t like: Sources cite gas mileage as from 5 mpg city / 8 mpg highway to 8 mpg city / 10 mpg highway. A true aficionado will claim his gets 12 mpg, but don’t believe him.
Most Cadillac fans feel that 1969 and 1970 were Cadillac's best years with 1970 surpassing 1969. Some people feel that the last good year was 1972. Beginning in 1973, the model experienced reduced engine performance as a result of government-mandated catalytic converters and other fuel-saving devices, as well as the implementation of heavy 5 mph bumpers. Other people include 1973-1976 in the "good" model years if only because the body style was essentially the same.
The land yachts still enjoy enormous popularity among Cadillac fans. They are purchased in all states of repair and restored, most to like-new condition, but others to souped-up or other cult-conscious specifications. The problems can be many and difficult to identify, locate, and repair. As such, the serious restorers tend to be excellent mechanics, if only in their own garages.
Almost no die-hard Cadillac fans seem to like the designs starting with the 1977 downsize, and even the most lenient Cadillac fans abhor Sedan DeVilles and Coupe DeVilles built after 1984 and Broughams built after 1992, which were the last years of the first downsize for the respective models.
It is interesting to note that the name Fleetwood formally left the lineup in 1985, with the end of the 1977 downsize, even though it continues to be used among Cadillac fans to denote top-of-the-line Cadillac sedans through 1992. Thus, the Series 75 limousines came to be called Fleetwood limousines for the period 1977-1984. The Series 75 name was resumed in 1985, but only through the 1987 model year. The top-of-the-line sedans were called Brougham and Brougham D’Elegance for the years 1977-1992. They have been faulted (with good cause) for too closely resembling the Sedan DeVilles of the years 1977-1984.
Coupe DeVilles continued to be manufactured through the 1993 model year. At this point, Sedan DeVilles came to be known simply as DeVilles. They continued to be built through the 2006 model year, although, in the 2006 model year, they lost their “DeVille” nameplate in favor of a “DTS” (DeVille Touring Sedan) nameplate. Since then, all Cadillacs have borne nameplates comprising letters and numbers; e.g., CT5 and XTS. Alas!
One source said that the current smaller Cadillacs (ATS and CTS and possibly others) will cease to be produced starting in 2019, when Cadillac will return to producing large cars. Is it possible that drivers are tired of climbing into super-sized SUVs and long for a return to the land yachts of yesteryear? We can only wait and see, and hope Detroit remembers to bring back the Cadillac quality that has been missing in the past twenty-five years.
Cadillac Ambulances
The Cadillac ambulances and hearses seen on Hawaii Five-0 were manufactured by the Miller Company through 1969 and by the Miller-Meteor Company from 1970 forward. They are identifiable by their distinct Cadillac grilles and tail lights for each model year.
Jack and His Cadillacs
Does the large number of Cadillacs seen on Hawaii Five-0 have anything to do with Jack's preference for Cadillacs? Possibly; in fact, this researcher is given pause to wonder if Jack didn’t know every Cadillac owner on the Island. Would Jack have been in Cadillac heaven if he could have picked up, say, a 1941 Series 60 Special – you know, the model in which admirals were chauffeured in World War II movies? We may never know.
We do know that Jack's first new car was a beige 1957 Cadillac (model not revealed). We also know that, in all, he owned eight Cadillacs. The fact that he drove either a 1969 or a 1970 model (year uncertain) Sedan DeVille until his death in 1998 would indicate a preference for the land yachts. So would the fact that, throughout the entire series, only four cars from the post-downsizing of 1977 made appearances: a 1977 Fleetwood limousine, 1977 Coupe DeVille, a 1979 Seville, and a 1980 El Dorado.
It is interesting – and frustrating – to note that we cannot know which model year Jack’s car was due to the limited views afforded by the only two pictures we have of his car. Some model-year designs changed only in such minor details as where the model name was placed, whether the headlights were connected to the grille or separated by a narrow strip of painted metal, or whether the car had a full vinyl roof or a halo one.
Jack’s Sedan DeVille had a halo roof; that is, the vinyl was set back from the windows by a strip of painted body material. It had no vent window (a small inset window in front of the front side window). That gives us no tip, either, for neither the 1969 nor the 1970 model Sedan DeVille had a vent window, which was eliminated after 1968. Alas!
But enough about that!
As We Saw Them on Hawaii Five-0
Back to the subject at hand: Cadillacs seen on Hawaii Five-0. For our purposes, Cadillac had three basic models, the Series 75 limousine; the Fleetwood, including the four-door sedan and the two-door El Dorado; and the DeVille, including the four-door Sedan DeVille, the two-door Coupe DeVille, and the base-model Calais.
Here is the list of Cadillacs seen on Hawaii Five-0 dated by model year, regardless of the year in which the car appeared on the show. To the best of my knowledge, it is complete and accurate; however, it would be very easy for a car to slip past me or for me to be one model year off. If you see a Cadillac that is not on the list or an error that needs to be corrected, please let me know.
Cadillacs Identified by Year and Model:
1959 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– Wednesday, Ladies Free (Season 4) – This car is seen in a parking lot as McGarrett and Danno investigate the seemingly unrelated murders of women who frequented a car wash.
1959 Cadillac Coupe DeVille Convertible
– Flash of Color, Flash of Death (Season 6) – This blue convertible is seen beside the dump truck that hit Webber’s henchman in front of the Royal Aloha Condominiums.
– Welcome to Our Branch Office (Season 7) – This car is seen stopped in a line of traffic as Bowman (Cameron Mitchell) locks Stash (Frank Gorshin) in a telephone booth outside a gas station. The driver is wearing a lauhala hat. Is it possible that Jack was driving the car in that scene?
1960 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– Six Kilos (Season 1) – In Six Kilos, we see a white car parked near the tennis court where McGarrett rendezvous with Danno.
1961 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– Cocoon (Pilot) – The governor and McGarrett arrive at Jonathan Kaye’s (James Gregory) C-141 StarLifter, where McGarrett will be drawn into the plan to ferret out Wo Fat (Khigh Diegh) and his brain drain.
1961 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– Yesterday Died, and Tomorrow Won’t Be Born (Season 1) – This white car is seen parked behind the Palace as Joseph Trinian (John Larch) arrives to kill the attorney general (Morgan White).
– The Singapore File (Season 2) – In The Singapore File, McGarrett hotwires this steel-blue Sedan DeVille in Singapore as he and Nicole Wylie (Marj Dusay) escape from Ravasco’s (Daniel Leegant) henchmen through the streets of Singapore, en route to the port to wangle a sail back to Honolulu.
1961 Coupe DeVille
– Diary of a Gun (Season 7) – This light-blue car is seen parked in a parking lot as Frito (Beau Vanden Ecker) and his girlfriend speed away in a gold Lincoln Mark-series coupe.
1962 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– Three Dead Cows at Makapuu, part 1 (Season 2) – The car is seen adorned in Hawaiian and American flags as it turns into the driveway before ‘Iolani Palace.
1962 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– Face of the Dragon (Season 1) – A silver (or steel blue) car is seen parked to the curb as McGarrett drives past.
– Just Lucky, I Guess (Season 2) – A steel blue car belongs to Charley Bombay (Albert Paulsen). We see it twice: first, in the hotel parking garage as Bombay attempts to run down Marty Sloane (John Randolph); second, at the Ala Moana Shopping Center when Bombay meets the policewoman plant, Joyce (Anne Helm), to recover the missing heroin. A police shot kills the driver, and the car is wrecked against a railing.
- A Leopard on the Rock (Season 2) - A blue car is parked at the airport, where Banu Sovang (Cynthia Hull) and her friends are making posters for the protest march against Jhakal.
– Small Witness, Large Crime (Season 7) – A steel blue car is seen in the junk yard on Sand Island as the hitman, Dix Kercheval (John Kerry), waits in his car for Moki (Joshua N. Farin) to appear.
– Small Witness, Large Crime (Season 7) – A white car is seen as the hitman, Dix Kercheval (John Kerry), runs through the junk yard on Sand Island.
1962 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
– Just Lucky, I Guess (Season 2) - A tan car is seen parked in the yacht harbor parking lot as Charley Bombay scampers with the bag containing the heroin.
– I’ll Kill Em Again (Season 7) – A blue car is seen parked against the curb as Eddie drives past.
1962 Cadillac Ambulance
– Once Upon a Time, part 2 (Season 1) – This red and white wagon was used to transport the exhumed body of Walter Grant from the cemetery for autopsy.
1963 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– Forty Feet High and It Kills (Season 2) – Two of these cars are seen carrying the scientists away from the Anderson Estate and toward their safe haven from the anticipated tsunami.
1963 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– The Young Assassins (Season 7) – This car is seen parked before Liberty House at Pearlridge Center as the police close in on Victor and Driver.
1963 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
– I'm a Family Crook - Don't Shoot (Season 5) - We see a pale green car passing by as the Lovejoys' first victim hails a cab.
– Tsunami (Season 10) – We see only partial shots of this car, which passes going in the opposite direction as the residents of Honolulu scurry for high ground. Even so, the tail lights tell us what year it is.
1964 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– Not That Much Different (Season 1) – This steel-blue car provided transportation for the visiting general (Walter P. Young), who spoke to the student protestors at a war memorial.
1964 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– Small Witness, Large Crime (Season 7) – A dark green car is seen as the hitman, Dix Kercheval (John Kerry), runs through the junk yard on Sand Island.
1965 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– The Guarnerius Caper (Season 3) – Two cars (one persimmon, one black) of the same model and year are seen parked in the Ilikai parking garage as the thugs look for a car to steal.
– Mother’s Deadly Helper (Season 6) – This green car is seen parked outside the Department of Labor offices where Cord McKenzie (Anthony Zerbe) hires a man to help him throw McGarrett off the trail at the cemetery.
1965 Cadillac Calais
– Right Grave, Wrong Body (Season 7) – This white four-door hardtop sedan is seen parked against the curb as Dean Lyman (Charles Cioffi) chases Don Hobart (William Watson).
1965 Cadillac Ambulance
– A Bullet for McGarrett (Season 2) – This blue and white Physicians ambulance carried Karen Adamson (Sheila Larken) to the hospital after she ran into a delivery truck.
1966 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– Leopard on the Rock (Season 2) – This car ferried Kono away from the airport when he stood in for Asian dictator Otomo Jhakal (Titos Vandis).
1966 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– Samurai (Season 1) – This dark blue car is seen pulling up before the Ali‘iolani Hale and, later, before the Hawaiian Lagoon Apartments in the Hilton Hawaiian Village.
1966 Cadillac Coupe DeVille Convertible
– Welcome to Our Branch Office (Season 7) – A white car is driven by the ringleader, Bowman (Cameron Mitchell) throughout the episode.
1967 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
– Full Fathom Five (Season 1) – A bright red convertible is seen being driven by Victor Rollins (Kevin McCarthy) when he takes undercover policewoman Helen May Carlson (Patricia Smith) to the bank to pick up the money.
– Air Cargo – Dial for Murder (Season 4) – A white hardtop is seen parked in the air cargo parking lot at the airport.
– The Listener (Season 5) – A bright red convertible is driven by the psychiatrist (Robert Foxworth).
– Image of Fear (Season 12) – A white hardtop is seen parked before ‘Iolani Palace.
1968 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– And a Time to Die (Season 3) – The car carries Wo Fat (Khigh Diegh) away from the marina just before McGarrett boards the yacht posing as a Coast Guardsman and rescues young Ellen Forbes (Sherry Plep).
– Target? The Lady (Season 8) – The car is seen parked next to a Trade Wind Tours stretch Pontiac touring car as (Susan Dey) runs to escape Charles Brolin’s (Robert Witthans) henchman.
1968 Cadillac Fleetwood
– Yesterday Died and Tomorrow Won’t Be Born (Season 1) – A steel blue car with a darker blue vinyl roof is seen parked next to the curb as Danno drives by.
1968 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– Yesterday Died and Tomorrow Won’t Be Born (Season 1) – A dark green car is seen parked against the curb as Danno drives by.
– Deathwatch (Season 1) – A white car is seen pulling up before the Ali‘iolani Hale for the trial of Joseph Matsukino (James Shigeta).
1968 Cadillac Calais
The Calais was the entry-level Cadillac DeVille built between 1965 and 1976. Although it bore a strong resemblance to the Sedan DeVille, it lacked many of the bells and whistles.
– Yesterday Died and Tomorrow Won’t Be Born (Season 1) – Charlie Mangum (Paul Picerni) arrives at the yacht habor in this white four-door hardtop.
– Right Grave, Wrong Body (Season 7) – The white four-door hardtop is seen parked across the street from a second-storey window.
1968 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
– Full Fathom Five (Season 1) – A red convertible is driven by Victor Reese (Kevin McCarthy) as he shows Helen May Carlson (Patricia Smith) land overlooking Maunalua Bay and, later, as they leave the bank, where she picks up the money he is extorting.
– Twenty-Four Karat Kill (Season 1) – A black convertible is seen being driven by Andrea Claire Dupraix (Marj Dusay) as she goes to pick up Johnny Fargo (Kaz Garas) when they lead Five-0 to the stolen gold.
– The Joker is Wild, Man, Wild (Season 2) – A black convertible is seen being driven by Billy (Lani Kai) as he and Jo Louise Mailer (Beverlee McKinsey) return from being interrogated by Five-0.
1969 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– Death With Father (Season 6) – The limousine is used by Song (Kwan Hi Lim) and Ngu (Seth Sakai), the Asian drug dealers. It is seen, first, parked at the War Memorial when Tom Morgan (Peter Strauss) meets with them. Second, it is seen at the overlook, where Cliff Morgan (Andrew Duggan) meets them before going to the shack near Koko Head, where it is seen a third time.
– A Gun for McGarrett (Season 7) – The limousine is used to chauffeur Sig Meer (Jim Demarest) from S. N. Savage’s (Ivor Barry) house. It is then shown turning into a driveway and parking beneath the porte cochere of Meer’s house.
– Welcome to Our Branch Office (Season 7) – This car is seen as a taxi cab at the airport as Bowman (Cameron Mitchell) attempts to make his getaway.
– Presenting…In the Center Ring…Murder (Season 7) – This car is first used to carry the Chinese minister from the airport and, later, to his meeting with US officials, and, finally, to the circus.
– Hit Gun for Sale (Season 7) – This car is seen leaving Sunhala and driving out Kahala Avenue with Duke in pursuit.
– Death’s Name is Sam (Season 8) – The limousine picks up the bogus Ambok Timor and a woman from the Ilikai and is followed by Danno going ewa on Ala Moana Boulevard.
– The Case Against McGarrett (Season 8) – We see the same footage used in Death’s Name is Sam of the car on Ala Moana Boulevard. We also see the car carrying the legislative delegates to the Hawai‘i State Prison.
– Sing a Song of Suspense (Season 8) – We see the car when Chelsea Merriman (Lois Nettleton) is abducted from a taxi cab by Aleno Kimura’s (Gerald Waialae) henchmen.
– Deadly Persuasion (Season 8) – The car is used to transport the royal family from the airport to the Ilikai and the bogus royal family from the Ilikai to the Byodo-In Temple.
– A Sentence to Steal (Season 8) – The car is driven up to the gold melting laboratory by Ned Loe (Sakae Takahashi).
– Nine Dragons (Season 9) – The car appears in stock footage as it passes the airport.
– The Sleeper (Season 11) – The car appears as a taxi cab that passes before the Moana Surfrider Hotel.
1969 Cadillac Fleetwood
– The Devil and Mr. Frog (Season 2) – This gold car is driven by Gainham (William Zuckert) as he speeds out to Lanikai Beach to meet Gibbons (Frank Marth) to recover the ransom money for a lesser amount in unmarked bills. Later, when the shootout takes place on the beach, we see a portion of the front grille, then a portion of the right tail light when Danno uses it for cover.
1969 Cadillac Fleetwood El Dorado
– The Last Eden (Season 3) – The two-tone, blue-and-white car is seen parked in a parking lot.
– The Burning Ice (Season 4) – It is driven by Melissa Southmore (Linda Ryan) when she turns into her driveway and parks.
1969 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
-- The Listener (Season 5) - A white car is seen parked against the curb as McGarrett pulls into a Union 76 service station. There, Danno and Dr. Fowler (Robert Foxworth) will exchange clothes in order that the doctor can go to a patient's home without being detected by the listener.
– I’ll Kill Em Again (Season 7) – A white car with a black vinyl roof is seen parked in a parking lot as Eddie runs a red light and the HPD takes off after him.
Unless otherwise stated, all instances refer to the same gold car (some sources call it brown; caramel would be a better description).
– A Lion in the Streets (Season 12) – The car is driven by Tony Alika’s (Ross Martin) henchmen.
– Image of Fear (Season 12) – The car nearly rams Joan Carter’s (Linda Marsh) station wagon as she cuts in front of it.
– Voice of Terror (Season 12) – During a high-speed chase with the HPD, the car leaps over uneven ground, fishtailing all the way.
– A Shallow Grave (Season 12) – The car is seen transporting jewel thief Phil Coleman (John Ireland) away from prison upon his release.
– A Bird in Hand (Season 12) – The car belongs to Professor Hatari, the ornithologist (Seth Sakai). It is seen parked at the terminus of the bird-watching tour.
– Flight of the Jewels (Season 12) – This black Sedan DeVille is driven by the fence, Hank Yamura (Kwan Hi Lim), and his henchmen when they meet Neil Forrester (Jeff Daniels), mastermind of the jewel robbery.
1969 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
– No Bottles, No Cans, No People (Season 4) – A 1969 Coupe DeVille is seen turning in a parking garage.
– Is This Any Way to Run a Paradise? (Season 4) – A steel blue Coupe DeVille is seen being driven by state Senator Patterson (Fred Titcomb) between his speaking engagement in Honolulu and the sugarcane field, where Kahili (Nephi Hannemann) tries to run him off the road.
– Engaged to be Buried (Season 5) – Rono Vidalgo (Eric Estrada) drove this shiny black Coupe DeVille convertible with red leather seats throughout this episode.
1970 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– FOB Honolulu, parts 1 and 2 (Season 3) – Although not enough of the car is seen upon CDR Nicholson’s (John McMartin) arrival at the Palace to determine its model year, we do know that it bears a very strong resemblance to the car that is clearly seen when Wo Fat (Khigh Dhiegh) arrives at the Byodo-In Temple. It is probably the same car.
– No Bottles, No Cans, No People (Season 4) – It is seen as Johnny Oporta (Henry Darrow) and Larry from Detroit (Jack Kosslyn) leave the airport at the very start of the episode.
– While You’re At It, Bring In the Moon (Season 4) – The car is seen when McGarrett is abducted by Morgan Hilliard’s (Barry Sullivan) henchmen and taken to the yacht.
- I'm a Family Crook - Don't Shoot (Season 5) - The car is seen taking Charlie Walters' (Bob Basso) mobsters to the warehouse.
– Anybody Can Build a Bomb (Season 6) – Seen at the start of the episode as Hermes I (Allen Reisner) watches the delivery of the bomb to the Aloha Tower.
– Mother’s Deadly Helper (Season 6) – These two 1970 Series 75 limousines were seen at the Oahu Cemetery. In the first scene, they were parked near the gravesite. In the second scene, one of the limousines left the cemetery with Mother’s Helper in the front passenger seat. In the third scene, it was stopped by police as it was about to leave the cemetery behind the 1972 Cadillac hearse.
– How to Steal a Masterpiece (Season 7) – The car is used to chauffeur Charles Ogden (Luther Adler) & Co as they lead Five-0 on a merry chase around Kahala and Diamond Head and, later, as they arrive at the apartment where Durkin (George Voskovek) and Anderson (George Herman) have hidden the Gauguin.
– Presenting…In the Center Ring…Murder (Season 7) – This car is used to transport Wo Fat (Khigh Dhiegh) as he tails the Chinese minister’s car from the airport.
– Hara Kiri Murder (Season 7) – The car is used by Professor Borrelle (Ossie Davis) and his henchmen as they commit their crimes.
– Legacy of Terror (Season 8) – The car is seen traveling on the freeway following Kelsey’s murder. Then, it is seen parked before Kelsey’s office building.
– Assault on the Palace (Season 9) – The car is used to pick up the re-enactment soldiers from their homes.
– To Die in Paradise (Season 9) – The car is used to kidnap the singer, Bobbie Jo Bell (Pamela Franklin).
1970 Cadillac Fleetwood
– Murder-Eyes Only (Season 8) – This car is black with a white top. It is seen at the intersection across the street from the bank where Lt Waldron (David Birney) drops off the second microfilm.
1970 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– Is This Any Way to Run a Paradise? (Season 4) – In Paradise, a tan and gold car is seen parked in a parking lot as Danno is speaking on the police radio of his car.
– The Defector (Season 8) – A brown car with a B-pillar is seen riding parallel to the 1974 Mercury Marquis. Original footage in The Defector, it becomes stock footage thereafter.
– Assault on the Palace (Season 9) – A brown car with a B-pillar is seen riding parallel to the 1974 Mercury Marquis in stock footage from The Defector.
– Oldest Profession, Latest Price (Season 9) – A green-on-green car is seen parked next to the curb near the apartment building where Alison (Darrah Lau) was injured when a bomb was detonated.
1970 Cadillac Calais
– The Last Eden (Season 3) – This blue Calais is seen in the parking garage when McGarrett & Co. move in to arrest Colfax (Paul Stevens) for the explosion at the sewage treatment plant.
1970 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
– No Bottles, No Cans, No People (Season 4) – This silver car is seen in the parking garage as Johnny Oporta (Henry Darrow) arrives and is accosted by Sally (Beth Brickell).
– Tricks Are Not Treats (Season 6) – This gold car, driven by Harley Dartson (Glynn Turman), is first seen as it pulls up to Phoebe’s, where the pimps hang out. Later, it is seen when Harley meets with Kuji (Seth Sakai). Still later, it is again seen parked before Phoebe’s.
1970 Cadillac Ambulance
– Sweet Terror (Season 2); The Second Shot (Season 3); Wednesday, Ladies Free (Season 4); 3,000 Crooked Miles to Honolulu (Season 4); And I Want Some Candy and a Gun That Shoots (Season 4); Air Cargo – Dial for Murder (Season 4); Is This Any Way to Run a Paradise? (Season 4); The Ninety-Second War (Season 4); Percentage (Season 5); The Odd Lot Caper (Season 5); Little Girl, Blue (Season 5); Jury of One (Season 5); The Flip Side is Death (Season 6); The Banzai Pipeline (Season 6); Hit Gun for Sale (Season 7)
1971 Cadillac Fleetwood El Dorado
– While You’re At It, Bring In the Moon (Season 4) – This blue-and-white car is seen parked on the side of the street just before Five-0 turns into Morgan Hilliard’s (Barry Sullivan) driveway.
– Wooden Model of a Rat (Season 8) – Suzari (Kwan Hi Lim) drives a silver El Dorado convertible throughout the episode.
1971 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– Thanks for the Honeymoon (Season 5) – A white Sedan DeVille with a dark-blue vinyl top appears when Manola (Lane Bradford) arrives at the Palace at the end of the episode.
– The Flip Side is Death (Season 6) – This white car with a black vinyl roof is seen parked at the Kuilima Resort.
– Termination With Extreme Prejudice (Season 8) – A black Sedan DeVille appears as a taxi cab in the opening scenes.
– Stock Footage – This green car is seen parked on the side of the street as McGarrett turns a corner in the Park Lane.
1971 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
– All the King’s Horses (Season 2) – This white car was seen parked in the driveway in front of ‘Iolani Palace at the end of the episode.
– Tricks Are Not Treats (Season 6) – This blue-and-white car, driven by J. Paul (Ron Glass), is seen pulling up before Phoebe’s.
1971 Cadillac Ambulance
-- The Listener (Season 5) - The ambulance is seen as the body of a jumper, one of Dr. Fowler's (Robert Foxworth) patients, is recovered from the scene.
– Death’s Name is SAM (Season 8) – The ambulance delivered the undercover Timor Ambok to Leahi Hospital.
1972 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– I'm a Family Crook - Don't Shoot (Season 5) - This car was first seen parked in Charlie Walters' (Bob Basso) driveway in Kahala. Then, it was seen with Charlie Walters and Willie (Nick Nickolas) standing beside it at the warehouse.
-- A Bullet for McGarrett (Season 6) – This car carried El Diablo from the airport to the Ilikai.
– The $100,000 Nickel (Season 6) – We see this car on the street as Arnie and Millie follow the boy and grandfather who found the nickel.
1972 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– How to Steal a Submarine (Season 8) – This cream-on-brown car is seen in the background as McGarrett interrogates Orduno (Nephi Hannemann) aboard his fishing boat.
– Loose Ends Get Hit (Season 8) – This white car is seen parked against the curb as Kum Chi and his henchman arrive at Madeleine’s dress shop. The car has a full vinyl roof.
1972 Cadillac Ambulance
– Draw Me a Killer (Season 6) – The blue-and-white ambulance picks up the lawyer after Arthur kills him.
– Tricks Are Not Treats (Season 6) – The blue-and white ambulance picks up J. Paul (Ron Glass) when he is shot and killed.
– Anybody Can Build a Bomb (Season 6) - The blue-and-white ambulance is seen, first, at Kapiolani Park when the flash explosion is detonated and, later, at the Aloha Tower, where it picks up Dr. Haig to take him to the hospital.
– The Flip Side is Death (Season 6) – The ambulance picked up the body of Joe Keau from the pineapple truck, which had been abandoned in a field.
– Nightmare in Blue (Season 6) – The ambulance picks up Andrea Burdick (Katherine Justice) after she is assaulted and raped.
– Mother’s Deadly Helper (Season 6) – The ambulance picked up the body of Joe Furika after he was shot by Mother’s Helper in front of the courthouse.
– I’ll Kill Em Again (Season 7) – The blue-and-white ambulance picks up the derelict whom Eddie killed and dumped near Diamond Head.
– A Study in Rage (Season 7) – The blue-and-white ambulance picks up the deceased Dr. Chou at the tennis club.
– The Waterfront Steal (Season 8) – The blue-and-white ambulance picks up HPD Detective Luis Kimura (Tommy Fujiwara) after he is shot and killed by henchman Harry (Ric Marlow) in front of Mendoza’s (Simon Oakland) warehouse.
1972 Cadillac Hearse
– Murder With a Golden Touch (Season 6) – This black car was seen on the pier, receiving the bodies of Fleming (James Sloyan) and his sidekick, which were recovered by divers from the USCGC Cape Corwin.
– Mother’s Deadly Helper (Season 6) – This black car was seen at the Oahu Cemetery. In the first scene, it was parked near the gravesite. In the second scene, it was stopped by police as it was about to leave the cemetery.
1973 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– The Odd Lot Caper (Season 5) – This car is seen delivering Murdock (Richard Basehart) to the dock to meet with Laughlin (Ron Hayes).
– To Kill a Mind (Season 9) – The steel-blue car with a black vinyl roof is used by Russian spy Emil Raddick (Mel Ferrer) to kidnap Dr. Margaret Hammond (Laura Campbell).
– A Lion in the Streets (Season 12) – The car delivers Tony Alika (Ross Martin) home from prison.
– Who Says Cops Don’t Cry? (Season 12) – The car takes Lori Wilson (Sharon Farrell) home from the cemetery following her husband’s funeral.
– Though the Heavens Fall (Season 12) – The car is seen parked at the Gentlemen’s Sports Club.
1973 Cadillac El Dorado
– East Wind-Ill Wind (Season 10) – This white car is seen parked against a curb as Kati Parisa (Sian Barbara Allen) runs from the murder scene.
1973 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
– Hookman (Season 6) - This blue car is seen traveling Diamond Head on Kalakaua Avenue as Keoki leads the funeral procession through Waikiki.
– The Finishing Touch (Season 6) - This gold car is seen parked against the curb as Olivia Hillis (Linda Ryan) drives from the parking lot just before Norman Cargill (George Voscovek) abducts her.
1973 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
– Killer at Sea (Season 6) – This white car is seen parked across the street as Frank Fallon (William Devane) waits in the green Mercury for Vincent Gordon (Keene Curtis) to come from the bank.
1973 Cadillac Ambulance
– Hookman (Season 6) – A blue-and-white ambulance is seen at the scene of the second shooting, where Ookala (Samuel Alama) was shot.
– Try to Die on Time (Season 6) – A blue-and-white ambulance is seen on the scene when Dr. Roy Bromley (John Stalker) is shot.
– A Study in Rage (Season 7) – A black hearse is seen on a television news report on the death of a prominent physician at the beginning of the episode.
– And the Horse Jumped Over the Moon (Season 7) – The blue-and-white ambulance is seen in stock footage as it makes its way down the street en route to pick up Mark Traynor (Marc Baxley), who was shot in a telephone booth.
– Hit Gun for Sale (Season 7) – The blue-and-white ambulance picks up a heart attack victim from the airport and transports him to Leahi Hospital.
1974 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– East Wind-Ill Wind (Season 10) – This car is seen, first, at Sandanarak’s funeral and, then, in Peter Colby’s (John Allen) driveway when Zadak (Beau Brundin) arrives to take delivery of the dossier.
– Small Potatoes (Season 11) – The car is seen parked beside the elevator lobby in the Ilikai parking garage as the gamblers leave the cocktail party and move on to the gambling site.
– Stringer (Season 11) – The car is Tony Alika’s and is seen in multiple scenes as he transacts his shady business dealings.
1974 Cadillac El Dorado
– A Sentence to Steal (Season 8) – The pumpkin-colored car is seen on the street.
1975 Cadillac Series 75 Limousine
– Tour de Force, Killer Aboard (Season 9) – The car pulls up in front of the Ilikai to discharge the OPEC ministers.
– Dealer’s Choice – Blackmail (Season 9) – The car is seen pulling up to the Clarence Cooke Estate, where the gambling event is taking place.
– Blood Money is Hard to Wash (Season 9) – The car is seen parked before the Aloha Stadium. By all appearances, the same car is seen parked at what is supposed to be San Francisco International Airport when the Jovankos (Dane Clark, Joann Worley) return from Hawai‘i.
– When Does a War End? (Season 10) – The car is parked in Yuhio Muromoto’s (Bennett Ohta) driveway.
– Frozen Assets (Season 10) – The car is seen delivering Millicent Shand (Mildred Natwick) to the cryogenic foundation.
– My Friend, the Enemy (Season 10) – The car is used in the kidnapping of Princess Amina (Darrah Lau). An identical car (possibly, the same one) is seen parked outside the yacht while the abduction car is still in Hawaii Kai.
– Labyrinth (Season 12) – The car is carrying Mrs. Ames (Tricia O’Neil) from the beauty ship and allegedly toward her home when she is abducted.
– The Golden Noose (Season 12) – The car is used by the mercenaries in Baradak when they abduct and kill James Weaver (Joe Moore).
– Woe to Wo Fat (Season 12) – The car is used to take McGarrett (impersonating Prof. Elton Raintree) to the airport.
1977 Cadillac Fleetwood Limousine
– The Bark and the Bite (Season 11) – The car is seen parked before a hotel as McGarrett arrives to speak with Dilys Conover (Tricia O’Neil). This is the only post-downsize limousine seen in the series. All others hail from the land yacht years.
1977 Cadillac Coupe DeVille
– The Execution File (Season 11) – This car is seen parked against the curb when a pimp is shot.
1979 Cadillac Seville
-- For Old Times Sake (Season 12) - The car is seen pulling from beneath the porte cochere of the apartment building in Miami.
1980 Cadillac Fleetwood El Dorado
– For Old Times Sake (Season 12) – The car is seen parked before the apartment building in Miami.
Cadillacs Not Identified by Year and/or Model:
The following Cadillacs could not be identified by year and/or model, usually because too little of the car was visible in the shots in which they appeared:
Cocoon (Pilot)
-- Gold Sedan DeVille - Too little is seen to ascertain the year. It appears to be circa 1964.
Stranger in Our Own Land (Season 1)
– Tan Cadillac – Too little is seen to ascertain the model or year.
– Light blue Cadillac – Too little is seen to ascertain the model, although it appears to be from the early 1960s, perhaps 1962.
Face of the Dragon (Season 1)
– Rose-colored Cadillac – Too little is seen to ascertain the model and year.
Yesterday Died and Tomorrow Won't Be Born (Season 1)
- Blue Cadillac Fleetwood with a blue halo roof is seen parked against the curb as Danno drives by after visiting Mrs. Trinian. Too little is seen to ascertain the year, although it dates between 1965 and 1968.
Just Lucky, I Guess (Season 2)
– A blue 1962 or 1963 Fleetwood is seen parked in the Ilikai garage as Charley Bombay’s henchmen try to run down Marty Sloan. The year cannot be determined given movement in the shot.
– A white Coupe DeVille is seen parked against the curb on Ala Moana Boulevard as McGarrett and Danno chase Charley Bombay toward the Ala Wai Yacht Harbor. Too little of it is seen to determine the year.
Air Cargo–Dial for Murder (Season 4)
– A white 1963-1965 Coupe DeVille is seen in the parking lot as the air freight truck leaves the air cargo area at the airport. Also seen in stock footage in Steal Now, Pay Later (Season 7).
– Too little of a black hearse is seen to be sure it is, in fact, a Cadillac or which year it is.
Wednesdays-Ladies Free (Season 4)
– A rose Cadillac is seen parked in a parking lot. Too little is seen to ascertain the model and year.
Will the Real Mr. Winkler Please Die? (Season 5)
– The tail end of a white 1964 Cadillac is visible in a scene in front of the Ali‘iolani Hale, as Danno and Ben question Peter Winkler (Nehemiah Persoff) about his true identity. Too little of the car is seen to determine the model.
The Odd Lot Caper (Season 5)
– A white 1963 or 1964 Sedan Deville is seen parked on the parking deck near the stock exchange when Cooper (Danny Kamekona), the first stock exchange worker, is killed. It is partially obscured by another car.
I'm a Family Crook - Don't Shoot (Season 5)
-- A blue and white DeVille is seen parked in a carport. Too little is seen to determine whether it is a Sedan DeVille or a Coupe DeVille and which model year it is.
The Listener (Season 5)
-- A red El Dorado convertible is seen as Dr. Fowler (Robert Foxworth) arrives at the health club. It appears to be either a 1971 or 1972, but too little of the car is shown to be sure.
Draw Me a Killer (Season 6)
– A gold Coupe DeVille with a white top is seen parked in a lot in the opening scene. Too little is seen to discern the year.
– A white 1971-1973 DeVille is seen parked against the curb as Arthur steals a telephone book. Too little is seen to discern the model or year.
Charter for Death (Season 6)
– A blue-and-white ambulance is seen when the boys are seen rowing in the tender from the Marie Celine. Too little is seen to tell what year the ambulance is.
One Big Happy Family (Season 6)
– Blue-and-white ambulances are seen when the murder victims are picked up at the café and the gas station. Too little is seen in both instances to tell what year they are.
The Sunday Torch (Season 6)
– A blue-and-white ambulance is seen when the burned security guard is picked up. Too little is seen to tell what year it is.
Murder is a Taxing Affair (Season 6)
– A gold Cadillac with a tan vinyl roof is seen parked against the curb as the Rowans try to hail a cab in front of their hotel. Too little is seen to tell what model and year it is.
Tricks Are Not Treats (Season 6)
– A gold Coupe DeVille with a black vinyl roof is seen parked at the Diamond Head Road overlook as McGarrett drives past. It is possibly a 1968, based on the colors and the slant of the headlights, which appear to be vertical ones.
A Bullet for El Diablo (Season 6)
– A black Series 75 limousine is seen parked against a curb when McGarrett picks up the bogus Maria near the telephone book. Possibly, it is a 1968 model, for it has a vent window; however, details are too hazy to be sure.
The Finishing Touch (Season 6)
– A gold car is seen turning from the street and into what appears to be a parking garage as Olivia Hillis pulls from the parking lot across the street. Cannot be sure this is a Cadillac DeVille and not an Oldsmobile 98 or whether it is a two-door or four-door model.
One Born Every Minute (Season 6)
– A blue and white Cadillac ambulance is seen at the scene of a bogus murder. Its date cannot be narrowed beyond 1973 or 1974.
– A different blue and white Cadillac ambulance is seen at the scene of Harry McGregor’s death in front of the Ilikai. The date of the ambulance cannot be narrowed beyond 1971 to 1973.
Secret Witness (Season 6)
– A black Cadillac hearse is seen at the scene of Joe Wang’s shooting. Too little is visible to ascertain the year.
Death With Father (Season 6)
– Only the top and interior of this ambulance are visible in the scene when Janice Wu (Louella Costello) is transported following her overdose of Quaaludes. We can tell by the side window that it one of the Cadillac ambulances, but we have no way to identify the year.
Mother’s Deadly Helper (Season 6)
– A white car passes the side street as Mother’s Helper tails Patsy Lahao (uncredited) as he leaves Oahu State Prison. The car appears to be a Sedan DeVille; however, it is moving too quickly to be certain.
Killer at Sea (Season 6)
– A white Coupe DeVille is visible through the car window as Frank Fallon (William Devane) waits outside of the bank in the first scene of the episode. Too little of the car is seen to determine the year.
The Young Assassins (Season 7)
– A white Coupe DeVille is seen parked before Liberty House at Pearlridge Center as the police close in on Victor (Will Seltzer) and Driver (Donald Roessler, Jr.). Too little is shown to determine the year.
Steal Now, Pay Later (Season 7)
– Stock footage of a white 1963-1965 Coupe DeVille is seen in the parking lot as the air freight truck leaves the air cargo area at the airport. Too little of the car is shown to pinpoint the model year. This car is first seen in “Air Cargo–Dial for Murder” (Season 4).
Bomb, Bomb Who’s Got the Bomb? (Season 7)
– A white Cadillac with a white halo vinyl roof is seen parked against a curb as McGarrett and Danno go in search of Senator Harlan Henderson (William Windom). It is impossible to tell whether it is a Coupe DeVille or a Sedan DeVille or to determine the year.
Right Grave, Wrong Body (Season 7)
- A blue-and-white ambulance is seen at the cemetery where the skeleton was found. The camera is panning, making it impossible to tell whether it is a 1971, 1972, or 1973 model.
– A light-green hardtop sedan with a white halo roof is seen stopped in traffic as Don Hobart (William Watson) is about to hold up a store. Too little of the car is seen to determine whether it is, in fact, a Cadillac Sedan DeVille, but it is a good possibility.
The Two-Faced Corpse (Season 7)
– A Cadillac ambulance is seen at the end of the episode, collecting the injured from the shootout with Jack Houston (Sam Elliott). Too little is seen to determine the year.
How to Steal a Masterpiece (Season 7)
– A white Cadillac with a black vinyl roof is seen parked against the curb on Kahala Avenue as Charles Ogden (Luther Adler) & Co. begin to lead Five-0 on a merry chase around Kahala and Diamond Head. Too little of the car is seen to determine the model and year.
-- A steel-blue Coupe DeVille with a black vinyl roof is seen parked in the background when the limousine stops to discharge Miss Forbes (Gail Strickland), who then steps into a Bernie's cab. Too little of the car is seen to be sure of year, which is circa 1971-1972.
Bones of Contention (Season 7)
– When Jonathan Kaye arrives in Honolulu, we see him and McGarrett being chauffeured through the streets as they discuss the case. The exterior of the car is stock footage of the governor’s Lincoln; however, the interior is a Cadillac Series 75 limousine. We see too little of it to determine the year of the car.
Computer Killer (Season 7)
– When the wealthy lady is killed in her apartment, we see a Cadillac ambulance parked before the building. We cannot see enough of the car to tell what year it is.
A Study in Rage (Season 7)
– A white Cadillac is seen on the far side of the parking lot as Danno questions the tennis pro about the sudden death of Dr. Chou. Too little is seen to determine either the model or the year.
Hit Gun for Sale (Season 7)
– A 1969-1970 Series 75 limousine is seen at the airport. It appears as stock footage throughout the series. Too little of the car is seen to distinguish between the years.
– A brown 1969 or 1970 Sedan DeVille is seen driving out Kahala Avenue as the Cordells drive in the opposite direction. Too little of the car is seen to determine the year.
– An ice blue Coupe DeVille is seen following the brown Sedan DeVille out Kahala Avenue as the Cordells drive in the opposite direction. Too little of the car is seen to determine the year.
The Hostage (Season 7)
– A blue-and-white ambulance arrives at the Albemarle Apartments to pick up wounded HPD Officer Wade (Dennis Chun). It appears to be a 1973 model, but too little is seen to be sure.
Diary of a Gun (Season 7)
– A 1961 steel blue car is seen parked in a parking lot when Frito (Beau Vanden Ecker) and his girlfriend speed off in a gold Lincoln Mark-series coupe. Too little is seen to tell whether the car is a Sedan DeVille or a Coupe DeVille.
– A blue-and-white ambulance is seen in three scenes; however, too little is seen in each to tell the year and whether they are the same or different cars. In the first instance, as the ambulance picks up the tourist who was shot on Sand Island, only the top and rear emergency lights are seen. In the second instance, only the top lights and horns are seen at the Palm Gardens Apartments. In the third instance, only the left rear quarter panel is seen when the body of Eddie Larkin (Richard Morrison) is picked up.
6000 Deadly Tickets (Season 7)
– Two blue-and-white Cadillac ambulances are seen; however, too little is shown to determine the year. The first is stock footage of the car on a street; the second shows the left rear quarter panel as the travel agent is picked up from the sidewalk where he and his guard were shot.
– A bronze colored Fleetwood is seen turning a corner as Chin Ho and an HPD detective wait for Shige to emerge from the bank. It is too far away to discern the year, except that it has the style B-pillar common to Fleetwoods made between 1971 and 1976.
– We see a pale yellow car, possibly a 1973, but we cannot determine from the shot whether it is a Sedan DeVille or a Coupe DeVille. The car stops in the center lane of Kalakaua Avenue as McGarrett stops at the curb and runs up, onto the bridge over the Ala Wai Canal, to shoot Burke (Jack Hogan).
Murder-Eyes Only (Season 8)
– A white 1965-1968 Cadillac is seen in a parking lot as the Navy helicopter discharges Capt Fesler in the opening scenes. It is too far away to tell whether it is a Sedan DeVille or a Coupe DeVille.
Termination With Extreme Prejudice (Season 8)
– An ecru Sedan DeVille circa 1971-1973 is seen passing by as McGarrett speaks with Harry Wells (Dan O’Herlihy) in front of the Far East Imports Building. The car is moving too quickly to discern the year.
– A black taxi circa 1971-1973 is seen passing the International Marketplace. The car is too far away to discern the model or year.
Deadly Persuasion (Season 8)
– A black 1965-1968 Cadillac is seen at a distance, parked beside the Ilikai, when the royal family arrives at the hotel from the airport. Too little is visible to determine the model or year.
Turkey Shoot at Makapuu (Season 8)
– A 1971-1973 Cadillac ambulance arrives at Sandy Beach to pick up Molly Taggart (Lee Purcell) after she is shot down from her hang glider. Too little is visible to determine the year.
A Sentence to Steal (Season 8)
– A silver or gray Cadillac of undetermined year and model is seen following Duke as he speaks to Danno over the police radio.
– A blue Cadillac of undetermined year and model is seen following Duke as he speaks to Danno over the police radio.
A Killer Grows Wings (Season 8)
– Sam Patton (Richard Kiley) is seen sitting in a black Cadillac Series 75 limousine when he is joined by Chadwick (Paul Shenar). Too little is seen to identify the year.
Dealer’s Choice: Blackmail (Season 9)
– A black Cadillac Series 75 limousine is seen parked under the porte cochere at the Clarence Cooke Estate before the identifiable one pulls up. Too little is seen to determine the model or the year. Even the make is dubious; it is possibly a Buick Park Avenue.
Elegy in a Rain Forest (Season 9)
– A white 1967-1968 Coupe DeVille convertible is seen in an automotive salvage yard. Too little is seen of the front end to determine the year.
The Cop on the Cover (Season 10)
– A black 1969 or 1970 Sedan DeVille is seen on Ala Wai Boulevard. It is too far away to determine the year.
The Sleeper (Season 11)
– A white 1971-1973 Cadillac is seen parked in the driveway of the Moana Surfrider Hotel. Too little is seen to determine the year or model.
Small Potatoes (Season 11)
– A white 1971-1973 Sedan DeVille is seen moving forward as McGarrett gets in his car. Too little is seen to pinpoint the year.
Death Mask (Season 11)
– A yellow El Dorado is seen parked as Jill Baker and Mick Chandler watch the garbage man make his route. Too little is seen to determine the year.
Number One With a Bullet, Part 2 (Season 11)
– A black Series 75 limousine is seen at the airport as Allie Francis and his henchmen arrive. Too little is seen to determine the year.
Use a Gun, Go to Hell (Season 12)
– A pale gold Cadillac, circa 1971, is seen parked against the curb. Too little is seen to determine the year and model.
The Golden Noose (Season 12)
– A pale blue or silver Cadillac, circa 1973, is seen parked in a parking lot. Too little is seen to determine the year and model.