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Remembering Jack Lord
December 30, 1920 - January 21, 1998

Birthday Celebrations
2010 - 2012
90th Birthday (2010)
91st Birthday (2011)
92nd Birthday (2012)

Jack's 95th Birthday (2015)

96th Birthday (2016)

97th Birthday (2017)
Steve's Girl took the picture on this banner.

98th Birthday (2018)

99th Birthday (2019)

100th Birthday (2020)
See two posts under In Memoriam.
101st Birthday (2021)

102nd Birthday (2022)

December 30th will mark Jack's 102nd birthday. We won’t be holding an elaborate party, as we did in years past, but we do invite everyone to send birthday wishes: a "Happy Birthday, Jack" message, a poem, or a short story would be most welcome. Simply post your wishes as a comment on the Jack’s Birthday post on Jack’s Blog.
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